


[ brant; German brahnt ]


  1. Wil·ly [wil, -ee, vil, -ee], Karl Herbert Frahm, 1913–1992, West German political leader: chancellor 1969–74; Nobel Peace Prize 1971.


/ brænt /


  1. BrandtBill19051983MBritishARTS AND CRAFTS: photographer Bill , full name William Brandt . 1905–83, British photographer. His photographic books include The English at Home (1936) and Perspectives of Nudes (1961)
  2. BrandtGeorg16941768MSwedishSCIENCE: chemist Georg (ˈɡeɪɔːɡ). 1694–1768, Swedish chemist, who isolated cobalt (1742) and exposed fraudulent alchemists
  3. brant BrandtWilly19131992MGermanPOLITICS: statesman Willy (ˈvɪli). 1913–92, German statesman; socialist chancellor of West Germany (1969–74); chairman of the Social Democratic party (1964–87). His policy of détente and reconciliation with E Europe brought him international acclaim. Nobel peace prize 1971

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Most of us have an unhealthy relationship with anger, writes author and psychologist Andrea Brandt.

He played Brandt, the happy-go-lucky assistant/boy Friday to millionaire Jeffrey Lebowski (David Huddleston).

Brandt is creepily affable, and Hoffman knocks the tiny supporting turn out of the park.

As in the Bill Brandt show there that's closing this week.

“The Masai who live around the lake are used to these creatures washing up—they think of them as junk,” said Brandt, 47.

Sebastian Brandt died; counsellor of Strassburg, a lawyer, and author of a curious poem.

Soon after, Brandt made a formal demand for the hand of this dashing maid, but the stubborn general refused to consider it.

I lunched at the club, and turned up the article "Lola Brandt" in the living encyclopaedia—that was my friend Renniker.

Why, in the sacred name of Nicotine, does a luxurious lady like Lola Brandt smoke such unutterable garbage?

Madame Brandt smiled, took the creature's head between her hands and kissed his forehead.





brand stretchingBrand X